Ing. Joshua Dankwa

Managing Director (Power & Renewable Technologies)


Ing. Joshua Dankwa is a Master Technologist for BMS Engineering Maintenance Ltd (Energy and Engineering Company), who specialises in Renewable Energy Technologies, High Voltage Power Generation, and Transmission Systems. 

He holds Master’s of Science Degree in Renewable Energy Technologies from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and BSc. Degree in Electronic/Communication Engineering from All Nations University respectively.

Prior to obtaining the above qualifications, he acquired HND in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, and Electrical Engineering Technician Part II, both from Accra Technical University in Ghana, and a Diploma in Power System Simulations from the Tractabel Engineering in Brissels, Belgium.

He currently occupies the position of Senior Power Systems Tech. Engineer for the National Grid Company in Ghana.

He has previously worked for Volta River Authority – which is the parent electrical power generation company in Ghana, as the Assistant Chief Power System Engineer.

In addition to his numerous responsibilities, he is a Lecturer (part-time) in the Electrical/Electronic Engineering at the faculty of Engineering of Accra Technical University, Ghana.

Joshua is one of the reliable experts and an assert for the BMS Engineering Maintenance Ltd, Ghana.

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